With unemployment levels so high, having a winning resume can either get you to the top of the stack or land you right in the trash can. Success secrets gurus believe that your resume and cover letter can make you land that much desired interview for a position. After all, your resume is the first impression that your potential employer has of you.
Putting your best foot forward through a winning resume is essential, according to success secrets books. In order to get the interview, your resume must draw the employer in and keep him locked in on you. Only then, will you get the call from them to set up an interview. Keeping your fingers crossed just isn't enough when the competition for jobs is as tough as it is today. A polished resume will give you more leverage that a person with an average one.
Make Your Work History Work for You
Everybody knows that the most important part of a resume is the work history section. However, this section is characteristically boring. One of our success secrets is to make this part of your resume more interesting for the reader. Now, you must not lie but you can create a clearer and more vivid picture in their minds of what you are able to do.
For example, if you worked in the auto repair industry as a salesperson, you shouldn't just say "I handled sales". Every salesperson deals with upset and angry customers. Success secrets counselors suggest that you can use self improvement to make the job sound better. You could say "I handled sales as well as customer service, including but not limited to irate customers, turning phone inquiries into appointments and up-selling necessary services to customers who generally would not have those services done". This will have more of an impact according to success training gurus.
Access Your Affiliations
Whether you are affiliated with a dog training club, a church choir or a self improvement group, these affiliations help you appear to be a real human as opposed to a piece of paper. Success secrets advise you put in all of the affiliations that you have, right down to the local PTA. This will give your potential employer a look at who you are as a person. This can affect your chances at getting to the top of the stack according to self improvement experts.
Hobbies Show that you're Human
One of the most important aspects for a great resume is to include your hobbies according to self improvement articles. This also shows the reader that you are a real human being with interests outside of your job. A lot of people believe that if a potential employer thinks that all you worry about is work you will have a better shot at the job. Success training experts state that this is untrue.
We Are Family
Success secrets guides state that including a bit about your family is an important thing to do. Most employers believe that a person with a family is more apt to be at work every day and will continue to seek self improvement for the sake of his family. This is one of the best kept success secrets.
Creative Cover Letters
Your cover letter should "wow" the reader. You can tell the reader how you strive for self improvement and actively read success training manuals. Be colorful and make your potential employer think that he knows who you are. With these success secrets, you are bound to get a call for that interview.
Tom Cramer is an entrepreneur and writer who writes extensively about advice on personal development. His articles provide success secrets and tips on how to develop positive thinking. He has written many enlightening articles on inspirational quotesand motivational videos which offer guidance and tips on personal growth.
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